Artisanal fishing consists of various small-scale, low-technology, low-capital, fishing practices undertaken by individual fisherman. Many of these households are of coastal or island ethnic groups. These households make short fishing trips close to the shore. Their produce is usually not processed and is mainly for local consumption. Artisan fishing uses traditional fishing techniques such as rod and tackle, fishing arrows and harpoons, cast nets, and small traditional fishing boats. For that reason, socio-economic status of artisanal fishing community has become an interest of the authorities in recent years.
Stilts fishermen, Sri Lanka
Fishermen at work off the northern coast of Mozambique
Fishing boats at Ko Kut, Thailand
Fishing boats on Flores, Indonesia
Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fish are often caught as wildlife from the natural environment, but may also be caught from stocked bodies of water such as ponds, canals, park wetlands and reservoirs. Fishing techniques include hand-gathering, spearing, netting, angling, shooting and trapping, as well as more destructive and often illegal techniques such as electrocution, blasting and poisoning.
Stilts fishermen, Sri Lanka
Fishing with nets, Mexico
Fishing tools from the Mesolithic and Neolithic period
Painting of A Brixham trawler by William Adolphus Knell. The painting is now in the National Maritime Museum.