Bardejov is a town in North-Eastern Slovakia. It is situated in the Šariš region on a floodplain terrace of the Topľa River, in the hills of the Beskyd Mountains. It exhibits numerous cultural monuments in its completely intact medieval town center. The town is one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites and currently maintains a population of about 32,000 inhabitants.
Image: Market Square of Bardejov
Image: Bardejov, Veľká bašta (1)
Image: Bazilika svätého Egídia panoramio
Central square with the Church of St. Aegidius
Empress Elisabeth of Austria
Elisabeth, nicknamed Sisi or Sissi, was Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary from her marriage to Emperor Franz Joseph I on 24 April 1854 until her assassination in 1898.
Elisabeth in 1867
The house where she was born in Munich.
The young Elisabeth shortly after becoming Austrian Empress, by Amanda Bergstedt (1855)
Portrait of Empress Elisabeth, 1857 aged 19