Beatbox Battle World Championship
The Beatbox Battle World Championship (BBBWC) is hosted triennially hosted by Beatbox Battle Tv in a week-long festival held in Berlin, Germany. Face-to-face beatbox battles take place in five different categories:- individual male, individual female, tag-team, loop station and crew battle. In 2015, more than 150 national or major event champions of beatboxing gathered from 50 or so countries, after qualifying to participate in the world event by winning their respective national championships.
FootboxG - Male World Champion 2023
FootboxG 2023
Alem - Male World Champion 2015
Berywam (Wawad, Beatness, Rythmind, Beasty) Crew World Champions 2018
Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum machines, using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture, often referred to as "the fifth element" of hip-hop, although it is not limited to hip-hop music. The term "beatboxing" is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general.
Biz Markie beatboxing