Charles II, Archduke of Austria
Charles II Francis of Austria was an Archduke of Austria and a ruler of Inner Austria from 1564. He was a member of the House of Habsburg.
Portrait of Archduke Charles II, by Bartolomé González y Serrano
Gisants of Charles II Francis of Austria and his wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria, on the cenotaph of "Habsburg mausoleum", Seckau Abbey
Seckau Abbey, "Habsburg mausoleum", cenotaph
Image: Anna Austriaczka
Inner Austria was a term used from the late 14th to the early 17th century for the Habsburg hereditary lands south of the Semmering Pass, referring to the Imperial duchies of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola and the lands of the Austrian Littoral. The residence of the Inner Austrian archdukes and stadtholders was at the Burg castle complex in Graz.
Graz Castle, courtyard
Image: Leopold III of Austria
Image: Wilhelm Austria
Image: Leopold IV