Dairy cattle are cattle bred with the ability to produce large quantities of milk, from which dairy products are made. Dairy cattle generally are of the species Bos taurus.
A Holstein cow with prominent udder and less muscle than is typical of beef breeds
Cows on a dairy farm in Maryland, U.S.
A cow caring for her newborn calf
Dairy cattle in Mangskog, Sweden, 1911.
Cattle are large, domesticated, bovid ungulates widely kept as livestock. They are prominent modern members of the subfamily Bovinae and the most widespread species of the genus Bos. Mature female cattle are called cows and mature male cattle are bulls. Young female cattle are called heifers, young male cattle are oxen or bullocks, and castrated male cattle are known as steers.
Image: Cow (Fleckvieh breed) Oeschinensee Slaunger 2009 07 07
Image: lossy page 1 GLW 2 global distributions of a) cattle.tif
Anatomical model, showing the large 4-chambered stomach