Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
The Department of Geography is one of the constituent departments of the University of Cambridge and is located on the Downing Site.
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
Scott Polar Research Institute, a sub-department of the Department of Geography
Richard Chorley, leading figure in the late 20th century for his work in quantitative geography
Frank Debenham, first director of the Scott Polar Research Institute
A Tripos is an academic examination that originated at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England. They include any of several examinations required to qualify an undergraduate student for a bachelor's degree or the courses taken by a student to prepare for these. Undergraduate students studying mathematics, for instance, ultimately take the Mathematical Tripos, and students of English literature take the English Tripos.
Tripos results were posted publicly outside departments and the Senate House until 2021.
Mathematical tripos results are read out inside Senate House and then tossed from the balcony