Edinburgh Law School, founded in 1707, is a school within the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom dedicated to research and teaching in law. It is located in the historic Old College, the original site of the University. Two of the twelve currently sitting Supreme Court of the United Kingdom justices are graduates of Edinburgh, including the current President and Deputy President.
Edinburgh Law School
Playfair staircase
Old College, University of Edinburgh
Old College is a late 18th-century to early 19th-century building of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. It is located on South Bridge, and presently houses parts of the University's administration, the University of Edinburgh School of Law, and the Talbot Rice Gallery.
The remodeled central courtyard, Old College, Edinburgh
The east facade of the then new College with its formal entrance portico at South Bridge / Nicholson Street, as it was in 1827. A dome similar to Adam's original design was added in 1887.
Snowballing Outside Edinburgh University, by Samuel Bough (1853, watercolour on paper)
Old College's Neoclassical style