The Ferguson unrest was a series of protests and riots which began in Ferguson, Missouri on August 10, 2014, the day after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by FPD officer Darren Wilson. The unrest sparked a vigorous debate in the United States about the relationship between law enforcement officers and Black Americans, the militarization of police, and the use-of-force law in Missouri and nationwide. Continuing activism expanded the issues by including modern-day debtors prisons, for-profit policing, and school segregation.
A police marksman posted atop armored vehicle
United States Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) talking to protesters in Ferguson
Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ronald S. Johnson was asked to take over law enforcement jurisdiction at Ferguson
Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson at the August 14, 2014 news conference
A riot or mob violence is a form of civil disorder commonly characterized by a group lashing out in a violent public disturbance against authority, property, or people.
Teamsters, armed with pipes, riot in a clash with police in the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 during the Great Depression.
Anti-Sarkozy rioters wearing scarves to conceal their identity and filter tear gas in Paris, France in May 2007
New York police attacking unemployed workers in Tompkins Square Park, 1874.
March for Alternative - 25 student anarchist rioters damage storefront windows in protests against the IMF