Goods wagons or freight wagons, also known as goods carriages, goods trucks, freight carriages or freight trucks, are unpowered railway vehicles that are used for the transportation of cargo. A variety of wagon types are in use to handle different types of goods, but all goods wagons in a regional network typically have standardized couplers and other fittings, such as hoses for air brakes, allowing different wagon types to be assembled into trains. For tracking and identification purposes, goods wagons are generally assigned a unique identifier, typically a UIC wagon number, or in North America, a company reporting mark plus a company specific serial number.
Hbillns wagon with sliding sides in ITL’s green livery
Commonwealth Oil Corporation goods wagon in Australia
Range of goods wagons at Kornwestheim marshalling yard
The side-discharging Class Fcs092 became the UIC standard for the transportation of coarse-grained goods
A train is a series of connected vehicles that run along a railway track and transport people or freight. Trains are typically pulled or pushed by locomotives or railcars, though some are self-propelled, such as multiple units. Passengers and cargo are carried in railroad cars, also known as wagons. Trains are designed to a certain gauge, or distance between rails. Most trains operate on steel tracks with steel wheels, the low friction of which makes them more efficient than other forms of transport.
An electric locomotive pulling a passenger train in Russia
A rack railway in Switzerland
Diesel locomotives pulling a freight train in New Zealand
A suspended monorail in Germany