Irresistible is a 2020 American political comedy film written and directed by Jon Stewart. It stars Steve Carell in the lead role, Chris Cooper, Mackenzie Davis, Topher Grace, Natasha Lyonne, and Rose Byrne. The film follows a Democratic strategist who tries to help a candidate win a local election in a small right-wing town. Originally set for a theatrical release in May 2020, the film was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, and then released on Premium VOD and selected theaters on June 26, 2020, by Focus Features. It received mixed reviews from critics, who called it "a soft political satire".
Official release poster
Steven John Carell is an American actor and comedian. He played Michael Scott in the NBC sitcom The Office, in which he also worked at several points as a producer, executive producer, writer, and director. Carell has received numerous accolades, including a Golden Globe Award for The Office. He was recognized as "America's Funniest Man" by Life.
Carell in 2014
Carell at the 2007 Academy Awards
Carell at the premiere of Crazy, Stupid, Love, 2011
Co-star Miranda Cosgrove and Carell at a premiere for Despicable Me 2, June 2013