Kōhoku is a town located in Kishima District, Saga Prefecture, Japan. It is known as a crossroads for railways and national highways, and as such has dubbed itself "the navel of Saga". As of October 1, 2016, the town has an estimated population of 9,524.
View of Kōhoku Town
Saga Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. Saga Prefecture has a population of 809,248 and has a geographic area of 2,440 km2. Saga Prefecture borders Fukuoka Prefecture to the northeast and Nagasaki Prefecture to the southwest.
Nijinomatsubara pine forest and a corner of Karatsu city, Saga
A reconstruction of a Yayoi period building at the Yoshinogari site
Karatsu Castle
Saga Castle (Shachi gate)