Luxor is a city in Upper Egypt, which includes the site of the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Luxor had a population of 1,333,309 in 2020, with an area of approximately 417 km2 (161 sq mi) and is the capital of the Luxor Governorate. It is among the oldest inhabited cities in the world.
Image: Luxor 11
Image: Ramses II in Luxor Temple
Image: Luxor Maritim Jolie Ville Hotel R18
Image: بانوراما من داخل معبد الاقصر
Upper Egypt is the southern portion of Egypt and is composed of the Nile River valley south of the delta and the 30th parallel N. It thus consists of the entire Nile River valley from Cairo south to Lake Nasser.
Image: Iry Hor name
Image: Ka vessel
Image: Kingscorpion