The Kingdom of Merina, or Kingdom of Madagascar, officially the Kingdom of Imerina, was a pre-colonial state off the coast of Southeast Africa that, by the 18th century, dominated most of what is now Madagascar. It spread outward from Imerina, the Central Highlands region primarily inhabited by the Merina ethnic group with a spiritual capital at Ambohimanga and a political capital 24 km (15 mi) west at Antananarivo, currently the seat of government for the modern state of Madagascar. The Merina kings and queens who ruled over greater Madagascar in the 19th century were the descendants of a long line of hereditary Merina royalty originating with Andriamanelo, who is traditionally credited with founding Imerina in 1540.
Andriamanelo waged war against the Vazimba in an effort to expel them from the highlands.
King Andrianampoinimerina (ca. 1787–1810)
Ranavalona III was the last monarch of Madagascar.
Landing of the 40th Battaillon de Chasseur à Pieds in Majunga, between 5 and 24 May 1895.
Malagasy is an Austronesian language and dialect continuum spoken in Madagascar. The standard variety, called Official Malagasy, is an official language of Madagascar alongside French.
Sorabe Malagasy Arabic script
Malagasy version of the Book of Mormon, in Latin script with the letter ô
Malagasy lexicon (1773) (Collection BULAC Paris)