Mustard is a condiment made from the seeds of a mustard plant.
Mustard in a container
Mustard seeds (top left) may be ground (top right) to make different kinds of mustard. These four mustards are: English mustard with turmeric coloring (center left), a Bavarian sweet mustard (center right), a Dijon mustard (lower left), and a coarse French mustard made mainly from black mustard seeds (lower right).
Indian freshwater carp in authentic Bengali mustard gravy
Plochman's mild yellow mustard, with typical bright yellow packaging
A condiment is a preparation that is added to food, typically after cooking, to impart a specific flavor, to enhance the flavour, or to complement the dish. A table condiment or table sauce is more specifically a condiment that is served separately from the food and is added to taste by the diner.
Tray of condiments and spices
Various condiments at Sangha market in Mali, 1992.
Salt, pepper, and sugar are commonly placed on Western restaurant tables.
Dijon mustard