Nagasaki Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyūshū. Nagasaki Prefecture has a population of 1,314,078 and has a geographic area of 4,130 km2. Nagasaki Prefecture borders Saga Prefecture to the northeast.
Obon Festival with tōrō nagashi lantern release on the Albuquerque Bridge over the Sasebo River, Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture
Kuichi Uchida's image of Nagasaki in 1872
Nagasaki Prefect Office, Meiji Period
An overview of 1957 Isahaya floods
Kyūshū is the third-largest island of Japan's four main islands and the most southerly of the four largest islands. In the past, it has been known as Kyūkoku , Chinzei and Tsukushi-no-shima . The historical regional name Saikaidō referred to Kyushu and its surrounding islands. Kyushu has a land area of 36,782 square kilometres (14,202 sq mi) and a population of 14,311,224 in 2018.
October 2009 NASA satellite image of Kyushu
M-V rocket launch rehearsal at USC
JMSDF District Forces, including the Sasebo District Force