The Pioneer Venus Orbiter, also known as Pioneer Venus 1 or Pioneer 12, was a mission to Venus conducted by NASA as part of the Pioneer Venus project. Launched in May 1978 atop an Atlas-Centaur rocket, the spacecraft was inserted into an elliptical orbit around Venus on December 4, 1978. It returned data from Venus until October 1992.
Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Pioneer Venus 1 at KSC.
An image of Venus in ultraviolet light by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Launch of Pioneer Venus Orbiter with Atlas-Centaur rocket.
The Pioneer Venus project was part of the Pioneer program consisting of two spacecraft, the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and the Pioneer Venus Multiprobe, launched to Venus in 1978. The program was managed by NASA's Ames Research Center.
Arrival of the Pioneer Venus spacecraft at Venus
Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Cloud structure in the Venusian atmosphere in 1979, revealed by ultraviolet observations by Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Pioneer Venus Multiprobe bus and atmospheric probes