Proclamation of the Republic (Brazil)
The Proclamation of the Republic, Coup of 1889, or Coup of the Republic was a military coup d'état that established the First Brazilian Republic on November 15, 1889. It took over the constitutional monarchy of the Empire of Brazil and ended the reign of Emperor Pedro II.
Proclamation of the Republic, by Benedito Calixto (1893)
Allegory of the Republic (1896), painting by Manuel Lopes Rodrigues in the Bahia Art Museum
Homage of the Revista Illustrada to the proclamation of the Brazilian Republic
Cover of the newspaper "A Republica" containing the manifesto
The First Brazilian Republic, also referred to as the Old Republic, officially the Republic of the United States of Brazil, refers to the period of Brazilian history from 1889 to 1930. The Old Republic began with the deposition of Emperor Pedro II in 1889, and ended with the Brazilian Revolution of 1930 that installed Getúlio Vargas as a new president. During the First Brazilian Republic, Brazil was dominated by a form of machine politics known as coronelism, in which the political and economic spheres were dominated by large landholders. The most powerful of such landholders were the coffee industry of São Paulo and the dairy industry of Minas Gerais. Because of the power of these two industries, the Old Republic's political system has been described as "milk coffee politics."
The Proclamation of the Republic, by Benedito Calixto.
President Venceslau Brás declares war on the Central Powers, October 1917.
Constitution of the United States of Brazil, 1891. National Archives of Brazil.
President Artur Bernardes (1922–1926) and ministers of state, 1922. National Archives of Brazil.