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Two boxes rendered with OpenGL (Note that the color of the two front faces is the same even though one is farther away.)
Two boxes rendered with OpenGL (Note that the color of the two front faces is the same even though one is farther away.)
The same model rendered using ARRIS CAD, which implements distance falloff to make surfaces that are closer to the eye brighter
The same model rendered using ARRIS CAD, which implements distance falloff to make surfaces that are closer to the eye brighter
Flat shading a textured cuboid
Flat shading a textured cuboid
A 3-D rendering with ray tracing and ambient occlusion using Blender and YafaRay
A 3-D rendering with ray tracing and ambient occlusion using Blender and YafaRay
A 3-D model of a Dunkerque-class battleship rendered with flat shading
A 3-D model of a Dunkerque-class battleship rendered with flat shading
During the 3-D rendering step, the number of reflections "light rays" can take, as well as various other attributes, can be tailored to achieve a desi
During the 3-D rendering step, the number of reflections "light rays" can take, as well as various other attributes, can be tailored to achieve a desired visual effect. Rendered with Cobalt.
A 3-D rendering of a penthouse
A 3-D rendering of a penthouse