Supreme Soviet of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR was the formal rubber stamp legislative body of the Estonian SSR without any substantive meaning, which was formally elected in general elections, but whose members were essentially appointed by the leadership of the Communist Party. Before 1988, the Supreme Soviet had no meaningful political role. After its first democratic elections on 18 March 1990, the institution was renamed the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia on 8 May 1990.
Supreme Soviet of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic
Image: Vaino Väljas, endine Eesti NSV ja Eesti Vabariigi poliitik ning Nõukogude Liidu diplomaat 2013
Image: Ülo Nugis 20.8.2009
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
The Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was, from 1936 to 1991, the highest body of state authority of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and based on the principle of unified power was the only branch of government in the Soviet state.
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union