The Tarantul-class corvette, Soviet designation Project 1241 Molniya are a class of Russian missile corvettes.
ORP Metalowiec, a Polish Navy Tarantul-I missile corvette in Gdynia
A Tarantul-class corvette of Vietnam People's Navy
ORP Rolnik, a Polish Navy missile Tarantul-class corvette
A corvette is a small warship. It is traditionally the smallest class of vessel considered to be a proper warship. The warship class above the corvette is that of the frigate, while the class below was historically that of the sloop-of-war.
The Tarantul class and its variants are the most widely used corvettes
A corvette in the Trianon model collection
French steam corvette Dupleix (1856–1887)
HMCS Regina, a Flower-class corvette