The English Huswife is a book of English cookery and remedies by Gervase Markham, first published in London by Roger Jackson in 1615. Markham's best-known work, it was a bestseller of its time, going through nine editions, and at least two other reprints, by 1683. It was issued as a two-volume work, Countrey Contentments, the other volume being The Husbandmans Recreations.
Title page
Gervase Markham's recipe for Banbury Cake, in The English Huswife, 1615
Banbury cakes
Gervase Markham was an English poet and writer. He was best known for his work The English Huswife, Containing the Inward and Outward Virtues Which Ought to Be in a Complete Woman, first published in London in 1615.
Gervase Markham by Burnet Reading, after Thomas Cross
Manuscript for The cavallarie, or knowledge belonging to a captaine of horse, 1626