Twin Peaks is an American mystery serial drama television series created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. It premiered on ABC on April 8, 1990, and ran for two seasons until its cancellation in 1991. The show returned in 2017 for a third season on Showtime.
Title for seasons 1-2
Season one of Twin Peaks focuses on the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer (played by Sheryl Lee, pictured in 1990).
After solving the murder of Laura Palmer, Kyle MacLachlan's (pictured here in 1991) character of Dale Cooper stays in Twin Peaks to investigate further.
Veteran film actress Piper Laurie (pictured here in 1990) helped cement the Twin Peaks cast.
David Keith Lynch is an American filmmaker, visual artist, and musician. Lynch has received critical acclaim for his films, which are often distinguished by their surrealist, dreamlike qualities. He has received numerous accolades, including the Golden Lion in 2006 and an Honorary Academy Award in 2019. In 2007, a panel of critics convened by The Guardian announced that "after all the discussion, no one could fault the conclusion that David Lynch is the most important film-maker of the current era."
Lynch in 2017
Lynch's high school senior portrait, 1964
Theatrical release poster for Eraserhead (1977)
Lynch at the 1990 Emmy Awards ceremony