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The summit of Nafanua is covered with thick microbial mats, indicative of low-temperature venting
The summit of Nafanua is covered with thick microbial mats, indicative of low-temperature venting
Broken pillow lavas, colored red by iron oxide, inside Vailuluʻu crater.
Broken pillow lavas, colored red by iron oxide, inside Vailuluʻu crater.
An octopus living on the western summit of Vailulʻu
An octopus living on the western summit of Vailulʻu
Swimming elasipod sea cucumber, Paleopatides sp., photographed off the northern shore of Tau Island, Vailuluʻu Expedition 2005
Swimming elasipod sea cucumber, Paleopatides sp., photographed off the northern shore of Tau Island, Vailuluʻu Expedition 2005
Pillow lava, a type of basalt flow that originates from lava-water interactions during submarine eruptions
Pillow lava, a type of basalt flow that originates from lava-water interactions during submarine eruptions
Grenadier fish (Coryphaenoides sp.) and bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) on the crest of Davidson Seamount. These are two species attracted to the
Grenadier fish (Coryphaenoides sp.) and bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) on the crest of Davidson Seamount. These are two species attracted to the seamount; Paragorgia arborea in particular grows in the surrounding area as well, but nowhere near as profusely.
Coral earrings of this type are often made from coral harvested off seamounts.
Coral earrings of this type are often made from coral harvested off seamounts.
Graph showing the rise in global sea level (in mm) as measured by the NASA/CNES oceanic satellite altimeter TOPEX/Poseidon (left) and its follow-on mi
Graph showing the rise in global sea level (in mm) as measured by the NASA/CNES oceanic satellite altimeter TOPEX/Poseidon (left) and its follow-on mission Jason-1